20 Best Things to Do in Pittsburgh

We spent five full days checking out Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The weather was perfect and we explored what felt like every inch of the city on foot. We were invited by Visit Pittsburgh to check out the city’s amazing arts and culture scene. We were both blown away by how much the city had to offer. […]

Best Restaurants in Pittsburgh: The Ultimate Guide to Pittsburgh Food

For a long time, Pittsburgh was considered an upping and coming food city and maybe even city in general. Those days are over, Pittsburgh has arrived in all the ways. The Pittsburgh food scene is thriving right along with the rest of this beautiful city. Narrowing down the truly top restaurants in Pittsburgh is tricky. […]

3 Day Lesbian Philadelphia Guide

While Meg and I were living and working full time in Washington, DC we were constantly looking for quick getaways to maximize our time together. I was working in the car business, and Lord knows they don’t care if I ever spend time my wife. Averaging just 6 days off a month and never two […]