Queer and Lesbian Tattoos to Show Your Pride

We're not saying tattoos can replace therapy, but getting them definitely makes us feel better. They're a great way to have fun with your self expression and showcase your passions. If you want a new tattoo that shows off your Pride, these queer and lesbian tattoos are great designs to consider.


A scissor can be a subtle or large nod to your lesbian pride. You could make it a small piece, or something larger. It can be a “if you know, you know,” tattoo, which is a great way to connect with others in the community. If another LGBTQ+ person sees the tattoo and compliments it, odds are they know what it’s symbolizing. 


For poetry lovers, Sappho is a great way to showcase a love of literature and sapphic love. Sappho was a Greek Poet who lived on the island of Lesbos, who wrote around 10,000 lines of poetry, although we only have access to around 650. You could get a silhouette of her or your favorite line tattooed. Get what speaks to you!

Outline Faces of Women Kissing

This one is self-explanatory, but very cute! If you like fine line tattoos, you can do the outline style, or if you prefer a more filled-out look, you can go that route. Whichever way, this is a cute tattoo to show your pride.


A GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS sign can be done in a variety of ways. Bright colors, a 3D drawing, black lines, any way you want. It’s a cute way to showcase your love.

Gal Pals

Ah, the infamous Gal Pals phrase. Some of us like to use it to poke fun at those who think we’re just friends though! If you’re feeling in a jokey vibe, this could be the perfect tattoo for you.


Queer can be an empowering word to get tattooed. It’s also very customizable. Choose your font, style, color, and more. Do shaded in letters, or fine lines. Whatever fits your vibe.

Small Rainbow

A small rainbow is a great way to add some subtle Pride to your life. You could get it on your ankle, wrist, arm, finger, anywhere you want it displayed. If larger is more your style, feel free to go bigger!

Lesbian Flag

If you’re looking for something more specifically sapphic, the lesbian flag is a great choice. Whether you’re going for a small, medium, or large flag, it’s a great way to show your pride. Also, the colors of the lesbian flag are so cute, so you can’t go wrong there.


A UHaul is a classic, playful joke in the lesbian community. It’s all about getting a lot of feelings and making big choices fast in your relationship. It’s also something that 

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards can have inherent queer vibes, but you can also go for getting a tarot design that’s specifically queer. Maybe a queer version of the Lovers card. You can make it anything you imagine!

Princess Bubblegum and Marceline

You can’t go wrong with a tattoo of a fictional queer couple that you love! Princess Bubblegum and Marceline were confirmed to be canon after a long wait, and are a much beloved couple among fans. The juxtaposition of their aesthetics makes them seem like an adorable, “opposites attract” couple. You could even get a matching tattoo of the two of them with your significant other.

Carol Tattoo

Carol is a great lesbian movie, as talked about in our Best Lesbian Movies article. It’s raw, romantic, and honest. You could get a movie still, a quote, or anything from the movie that feels right to you.

San Junipero Tattoo

Another wonderful fictional queer couple, Kelly and Yorkie from the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror are a beautiful representation of sapphic love. A love that transcends time. You can rewatch the episode with your fresh tattoo.

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