Portland Lesbian Bars and Queer Events to Find Community and Fun

Portland is a hub for queer community and culture. There’s so much going on every week, you’re almost guaranteed to find something you like. Whether you’re looking for bars, dancing, sports, or picnics, here’s a guide to the Portland lesbian bars and reoccurring queer events you should check out.

Puerto Rico Vacation: Why More Lesbian Vacations Should Happen Here

I mean we’re beautiful, the island is beautiful that’s a pretty good place to start in my opinion. I visited Puerto Rico for the first time this winter. As an American, specifically and American based on the east coast admitting that sounds almost ridiculous. That’s part of the problem, not enough Americans are considering a […]

Lesbian Vacation Guide: Sao Paulo for LGBT Travelers

We all travel for different reasons. Some of us are searching for relaxation and a break from our daily grind. Others are traveling to learn new things. But me? I travel for the adventures. When I’m old, I want to be able to look back on life and know that I truly lived it to […]

20 Best Lesbian Parties and Lesbian Festivals in the World

This past weekend I attended my 6th Dinah Shore weekend with Bumble. I love queer events because I feel like it’s the one time when I get to be surrounded by my people and completely immerse myself in our culture. After mentioning several of my favorite events around the world I realized that so many […]