Maximize Savings and Efficiency: How RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner Can Transform Your Next Vacation

RoutePerfect’s trip planner is a powerful bit of kit that’s got a lot of tools at its disposal. As with any great toolkit, you can use each piece in turn to create something that works perfectly just for you. Using RoutePerfect’s trip planner, you can think out every aspect of your vacation, and stay perfectly within your budget.

Here, let’s run through three of the best ways that RoutePerfect’s trip planner can be used to save you a lot of time and money.

Avoid the big events

Whenever there’s a big, popular event happening in any city around the world, the surrounding hotels know that they can really inflate their prices. This is annoying enough on its own, but it’s made even worse in the moments when you’re not actually going to the big event in question. If you’re just in town to visit family, or on a general vacation, it can be so frustrating that one night of your hotel stay is inexplicably worth double the other nights.

RoutePerfect can help you to understand the general price market of hotel rooms in the places that you’re staying in and identify anomalies. For example, say you’re staying in a chain of four cities, and three of the cities have hotel rooms for around $100 per night. If the fourth city has rooms priced at $200 per night, you can reasonably guess that there’s a big event happening in the city at that time.

To avoid that huge price surge, you can move things around on your itinerary, and spend an alternative few days in that city. Not only will you save money on your hotel bill, you’ll also be able to explore the city when it’s much more peaceful. With forward planning, you can get the best of all worlds.

Prices are shown upfront

For all of the experiences that are highlighted during the course of using the trip planner, the base cost of a ticket or admittance to an event is advertised in a little grey bubble. This might not sound like much, but it helps you to retain a rough idea of how much you’re spending in each city, and on each night.

Everyone’s been in the frustrating situation of arriving at an event your friends have recommended exhaustively, only to find that it’s eye-wateringly expensive compared to your expectations. Well, this surprise can be something of the past – with RoutePerfect’s included prices, you can keep track of what you’ll be spending, and stay within your budget every time.

You can also use this feature to keep track of what the average cost of different events is. This may not have too much of an impact on your overall spending, but it can enable you to be sure you’re not being ripped off as tourists sometimes are.

Improve the travel/vacation ratio

This is the final point on the list, but it’s an important one – it allows you to save time by ensuring that as much of your vacation time as possible is spent doing just that: vacationing!

For each travel period on your itinerary between two cities or towns, RoutePerfect is entirely upfront with the journey you’ll be taking, and exactly how long it’s likely to take. To ensure you have the best time possible, you can rearrange the items on your list to have as little travel time between them as possible.

This will mean that, overall, you’ll be spending far more time relaxing and exploring on your vacation than you’ll be spending traveling between two cities to get to the next part.

This might sound like a really small thing to get hung up on, but often, if you don’t take the time to deliberately relax and enjoy yourself, a road trip can start to feel like an exercise in frustrating logistics. To avoid that frustration, the best method is to simply avoid the logistics as much as you can. Therefore, avoiding deliberately hitting the road at a given time or trying to make the best time possible on your journey can allow you to get back to what really matters: relaxing and enjoying yourself.

RoutePerfect’s trip planner has a number of great features that can help you save an awful lot of time and money during your next vacation. From transparent, up-front experience prices to cutting-edge AI optimization to reduce your time spent on the road, the tool can truly help you a lot.

Limited LGBTQ+ Information 

While tools like RoutePerfect are great for streamlining the general trip planning process, they don’t offer LGBTQ-specific travel information. For important details like safety recommendations, queer-friendly bars, or cultural expectations surrounding queerness, it’s essential to rely on LGBTQ-focused travel resources such as EveryQueer, IGLTA, Once Upon a Journey, and Nomadic Boys. These platforms provide trusted insights tailored to LGBTQ travelers.

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